Importação de Libs, Dados e Definição de Diretório

1) View Raw Data

Lets see the strings variables:


2) Changing Data

modify the type of 'capture_rate':

there's an observation in 'capture_rate' thar have a text, lets change this observ to 30+255 = 285:

now we can aplly the tranformation to int:

transforming some variables in categorical:

Create a new variable: normality of Attack among generation subgroups: (var - var.min) / (var.max - var.min)

to this, we need a same length vector containing min & max of the generations:


Creating new var: mean of the against_x variables:

Creating new var from type1:

Deleting Variables:

3) Filtering Data

Obs: iloc is purely by indexes and loc by names. Now, lets select what contains 'Mega' in name:

Select type fire or water:

4) Grouping

5) Visualization with Seaborn:

Rain Cloud: